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Sammie Rhodes aka Sammy Rhodes Sammi Rhodes Biography: Not many people can say that porn saved their life, but New Haven Connecticut's own Sammie Rhodes credits her agent Skooby with just that. "I was stressed, I drank, and was immature." the beautiful blonde says of her time before porn, "But under the influence of Skooby, I got my act together. Now, I take care of myself physically and mentally. I take responsibility for my actions, eliminated the drama from my life, and am the healthiest and happiest I've ever been in my life." That's the kind of positivity that Sammie Rhodes brings to set every time she works, making her one of the most popular porn stars out there among industry professionals and earning her close to 20 AVN Award nominations. With more than 300 smoking hot scenes to her name, it's pretty easy to see that the fans agree! Following the opposite trajectory of most porn stars, Sammie only did hardcore scenes in the beginning of her career, progressing to lesbian fare only as time went on. But doing things by the book was never Sammie's style. A straight-A student through all her time in school, Sammie graduated early and switched majors three times before ultimately dropping out to pursue a career in modeling. From mainstream modeling, it was a natural progression to nudes, and from there to the kind of smoking hot hardcore action that earned her the CAVR Award for Female of the Year in 2009. So do yourself a favor and check out this blonde-haired, blue-eyed bisexual beauty in action today!